Happy New Year!
As is common this time of year, blog posts abound where wannabe bloggers such as myself write a post that indicates that said blogger will be more prolific in the new year, write more, do more, whatever goals they may have. Every year, I try not to write a post like this because they seem so, well, cliche.
Then I was listening to an interview. The topic was brought up, and the interviewee (I can’t remember who it was) mentioned that it was done more for accountability. This struck me as quite eye-opening. People use blogs as journals, or diaries of sorts.
So, for accountability’s sake, let me tell you what the new year brings for me.
My Pampered Chef business. I am on the verge of reaching a sales milestone – and hopefully I will reach it this month. So, as much for accountability as for sales, if you’d like to be a part of this, let me know if there is anything you are interested in learning more about, or if you’d like to host a party, or, better yet, if you’d like to join my team. One of the goals I have for this business is to build a strong team this year.

Bullet journaling. Have you heard of this? I had heard of it randomly, and then over Christmas, my daughter mentioned it. She picked up an Apple Pencil to use with her iPad, and created her own digital bullet journal. I’d love to do that as well, but since I had all these tools on hand to have a hard copy journal, I felt that saving a little money would be to my benefit. If I am lucky, I will be documenting my experience with bullet journaling here on my blog.
Getting healthy. Last year, I joined a gym. I was inconsistent in my attendance, at best. I do hope to be more consistent this year. The coaches at my gym are awesome!
As part of my “get healthy” plan, I am taking on a 30 day nutrition challenge with my middle daughter. We will be eating healthier, and cleansing ourselves of all sorts of bad things. This is more of a plan to learn to eat healthier (very similar to the Whole30 I did a few years ago) and less of a weight loss regimen. Assuming I maintain consistency at the gym, and learn healthier eating habits, a little bit of weight loss should come with the territory. I won’t complain about that.