Monday, I begin another nutrition journey – this time with my middle daughter. We will be cutting out gluten, dairy, added sugar, alcohol (me, not my daughter since she doesn’t drink), coffee, soy…it is very similar to Whole30 in many respects, but a little more forgiving. We will be increasing our vegetable intake, finding better…
Category: Whole 30
My Love Affair with Coffee, Part 2
Or, how I began drinking my coffee black. This time last year, I started thinking about doing my first Whole30. It was a daunting thought, really. No added sugar. No grains. No dairy. No legumes. That’s a lot of no’s. And the really surprising no, was the legumes. Because really, haven’t we always been told…
Interesting things I noticed
So while I spent the last two days shopping in preparation for beginning Whole30 today, I discovered just how many products contain sugar or soy additives. Ok, ok. I get it. Maple Bacon is going to have sugar in it. I would be stupid to think otherwise. But Smokehouse Almonds has soy? Why??? Jerky. Turkey,…
The Journey Begins
On Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018, I will embark on a journey of food love. Whole30 always seemed way out of reach for me. But the more I read about it, the more intrigued I became. There were a lot of good reasons to attempt Whole30. And a lot of excuses not to. But in…