What do I want to do this year? I want to read at least 14 new books (this would include books I’ve started in the past, but was never able to finish). I want to eat a little healthier I want to get out of debt (I won’t count the mortgage and the car payments…
Category: Family
How can you tell where you’re going, if you have no idea where you’ve been?
So every day I think of new lists, and creative ways to organize and clean. Let me tell you something. Each and every single one has merit. And each and every single one is pure crap. Growing up, my room was always neat and tidy. This is because I had a mother who wouldn’t let…
My First Miracle Still Brings Me To Tears
Just about a year ago, my thirteen year old daughter came home from school to tell us that her Spanish teacher was hoping to put together an immersion trip to Costa Rica for the next year for 8th and 9th graders. I thought to myself, what a great experience. If we can afford it. If…
Gratitude Challenge: Day 4
“Write a short message of thanks for some of the “negative” things in your life.” Dear Life-that-could-have-been-different, Every day, I see and hear reminders of “what could have been.” Music to remind me of the dream I used to hold on to Signs of new technology and engineering that could have been developed by me…
Time is always moving…
This past week, time stood still for the City of Boston, and surrounding towns. Suburbia watched, glued to televisions, as police, SWAT, FBI, and heaven knows what other law enforcement teams, executed a manhunt not seen, ever. The sheer cost involved is a mind bender. While this went on, the populace of Eastern Mass was…
To school or not to school…
The other day, I went to lunch at a little market with the best salad bar. I’m not usually a healthy eater, but I’m trying to eat healthier. So when I’m in the mood to be healthy, this is one of the places I have a tendency to go. As I was leaving, I was…
Happy New Year
Once again, I find myself at the start of a new year, with a fresh blog. This time, it was my own stupidity, and as I’ve said several times in the past couple of months, back your shit up because it won’t be there one day if you don’t. Fortunately, thanks to good friends, who…