Or, how I began drinking my coffee black. This time last year, I started thinking about doing my first Whole30. It was a daunting thought, really. No added sugar. No grains. No dairy. No legumes. That’s a lot of no’s. And the really surprising no, was the legumes. Because really, haven’t we always been told…
Author: Jo Anne
Where did it all come from?
It’s really interesting to me to see where things go and from where they came. I have another sleepy blog called Food Loves Company and I accidentally stumbled on it the other day. It was a joint collaboration and I reached out to my friend Angela who thought it might be a good idea, or…
Interesting things I noticed
So while I spent the last two days shopping in preparation for beginning Whole30 today, I discovered just how many products contain sugar or soy additives. Ok, ok. I get it. Maple Bacon is going to have sugar in it. I would be stupid to think otherwise. But Smokehouse Almonds has soy? Why??? Jerky. Turkey,…
The Journey Begins
On Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018, I will embark on a journey of food love. Whole30 always seemed way out of reach for me. But the more I read about it, the more intrigued I became. There were a lot of good reasons to attempt Whole30. And a lot of excuses not to. But in…
All the things I want to do
What do I want to do this year? I want to read at least 14 new books (this would include books I’ve started in the past, but was never able to finish). I want to eat a little healthier I want to get out of debt (I won’t count the mortgage and the car payments…
I Propose a Toast
On the heels of some very belated and very sad news about our dear sister LP, another dear sister, Grover, has posted a wonderful article on Facebook about distance between friends and loved ones. From this opening, maybe you can see that there are two very different but related topics that I will be writing…
How can you tell where you’re going, if you have no idea where you’ve been?
So every day I think of new lists, and creative ways to organize and clean. Let me tell you something. Each and every single one has merit. And each and every single one is pure crap. Growing up, my room was always neat and tidy. This is because I had a mother who wouldn’t let…
What is a beatnik, and what does it have to do with being a neatnik?
According to definition 2 on Dictionary.com, a beatnik is someone who rejects or avoids conventional dress, behavior, etc. I consider myself a beatnik only in the sense of organization and tidiness. I have spent years trying to manage my time, and my spaces – I have multiple spaces. I’ve purchased planners, and systems, and all…
My First Miracle Still Brings Me To Tears
Just about a year ago, my thirteen year old daughter came home from school to tell us that her Spanish teacher was hoping to put together an immersion trip to Costa Rica for the next year for 8th and 9th graders. I thought to myself, what a great experience. If we can afford it. If…
Gratitude Challenge: Day 5
I’m a day late with this one. That’s how it begins. The Fail. Hopefully, I can turn that around. Here goes. “Take five minutes to write about how grateful you are for all of the wonderful things that you currently have in your life. Don’t long for what you don’t possess—instead, take stock of all…