So while I spent the last two days shopping in preparation for beginning Whole30 today, I discovered just how many products contain sugar or soy additives. Ok, ok. I get it. Maple Bacon is going to have sugar in it. I would be stupid to think otherwise. But Smokehouse Almonds has soy? Why???
Jerky. Turkey, beef, bacon…much of it contains sugar, but again…soy??? I’ve never been known to have any aversion to soy…as a matter of fact, as a kid, I used to love soy nuts. Now? Well, now i just want to know why it is added at all. Is it a preservative? What is the point?
Also, as I filled the kids Easter baskets last night, I figured I would have one Reese’s egg before I kicked off. I don’t know if it is the result of eliminating sugar from my coffee for the last month, or what, but I couldn’t eat the whole thing. It was way too sweet.
But I found some recipes for chicken salad, mayo, some egg-free breakfast hash…we will see how it goes.